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Get privacy and security online with BoxPN

Based in Turkey, BoxPN has been in business for more than 15 years. The service provides reasonably priced packages, good customer support, decent connection speeds, and has a ‘no logs’ policy. BoxPN offers its users three package options, each with their own set of features and offerings. The subscription can be paid per month, with prices which are on the lower side. However, you can also sign up for a yearly, 6-month, and 3-month subscription as well.
The service provides three connection options, namely SSTP, PPTP, and L2TP/IPSec. They do not provide OpenVPN connections, which is a problem considering the fact that they are the most secure and powerful VPN protocol these days. When it comes to privacy, you will be happy to know that the service follows a ‘no logs’ policy. Though data such as the IP address is collected, it is kept for a short time period, which is not much of a concern.
On the security front, both PPTP and L2TP/IPSec connections use 128-bit encryption by standard. However, you can get the L2TP/IPSec connections to use a 256-bit AES encryption by connecting manually and making some minor adjustments. As far as customer support is concerned, there is a lack of support options. It is only provided through a ticket-based email system, but responses are quick and accurate. The speeds provided are good, but there are other VPN providers with better.
Overall, BoxPN is a decent VPN service that will provide adequate security and privacy. It should definitely be given a try, however, only if you can make do without the ‘widely preferred’ OpenVPN connections.

Versio 5
Ilmainen kokeilu
0.66 MB
Tietoturva vahvistettu
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