Affinity Designer for Mac

Affinity Designer for Mac

Versio 1.2
Ilmainen kokeilu
0.56 MB
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Päätoimittajan valinta: Affinity Designer for Mac 1.2

Affinity Designer for Mac is not your everyday standard vector drawing app, the main goal of the developers is to create an app that will be the solution for creative professionals. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are unquestionably the most popular applications used for creating web graphics, designing UI and much more. Affinity designer is the app that offers an industry standard app that users can use to learn on how to draw vectors, learn web design or UI design. Affinity Designer has a very clear interface. It is considered as the most precise vector graphic design software available. If you are working on graphics for marketing materials, websites, icons, UI design or just like creating cool concept art, Affinity Designer is the app that enhances your productivity and work rate.

Affinity Designer for Mac is the industry based vector drawing app.

Affinity Designer is the professional graphic design software created for designers. The user interface of Affinity Designer is very innovative, simple and considering the fact that it has a similar interface with Illustrator, experienced users of Illustrator will find it very familiar and easy to use. The app embraces a more visual and gesture based approach rather than features being hidden deep inside menus. For example, users can create a clipping mask by simply dragging the object halfway under the main object. You can also mask a vector shape by dragging other vector next to its thumbnail in the layer panel. Another complimentary feature is the continuous export which once selected, it automatically updates the exported file in the specified format and setting even as edits and alternate design decisions are made. It’s great to know that final artwork folder will always contain the latest file irrespective of the number of changes made. Since the exported file is always overwritten, users don’t have to deal with any duplicates. Affinity Designer for Mac is one of the most intuitively created apps for designers.

Affinity Designer for Mac
Affinity Designer for Mac
Versio 1.2
Ilmainen kokeilu
0.56 MB
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